Accelerate your Cloud business with us ​

Many end customers have now chosen a hybrid cloud strategy. This trend has created a rapid growth engine for hosting partners who are adding Microsoft Azure as a cloud offering for their customers. But it has also created a “business-limiting factor” for those partners who stick to a pure hosting business model.

Learn how integrating Azure into your business model can accelerate your cloud business.


4Plays Digital’s Hosters Bootcamp is structured in two phases:


The Partner Cloud Readiness Benchmark™ is an online assessment that provides your company with a personalized report showing your strengths and implementation gaps compared to over 1000 partners in Europe.

This benchmark was developed by 4Plays Digital in cooperation with Microsoft. It provides your company assessment in comparison with over 10,000 data points that have been collected over the past 3 years.

The Survey is conducted by 4Plays Digital in cooperation with ALSO. The participation in the survey is not a prerequisite for participation in Step2.

Get your Cloud Business Readiness Score™ today.


Content of these sessions is « business-focused », not technical. The information & Tools shared come from an independent Cloud Business Readiness Benchmark ™ conducted by 4Plays Digital for Microsoft on over 1000 European partners in the past 3 years.​

Azure execution Where to Play – How to Win ™ best practices shared are immediately usable to grow your Azure sales with ALSO.​

Join our 3 Cloud Acceleration sessions with 4Plays Digital for Hosters & SPLA partners wanting to transform or extend their business from Hosting to Azure. You will understand how to increase your Partner Cloud Readiness Score ™. These sessions will share business best practices from top Microsoft Azure partners and give you concrete tools, immediately usable, to accelerate your Azure sales with ALSO.​

Session 1: Assess ​your Azure opportunity​

Session 2: Qualify ​your Azure opportunity​

Session 3: Execute  ​your Azure Campaigns​